Autobox Maker ICorrugate 25

Autobox Maker ICorrugate 25
Manufacturer: PRC
Size: 2.500 mm
Weight: 5.000 kg
Power Req.: 380 V / 50 Hz
Installed power: 15 kW
Used space: 4.150 x 2.000 x 1.350 mm
Warranty: 1 year
Availability: Available on order
Delivery: 60-90 days after the firm order
Status: New


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Working width : unlimited

This machine is used in the manufcturing of cortgated cardboard boxes and it`s main advantage is the fact that it`s full automatic and comanded by a PLC. It encopasses a large range of FEFCO codes, making it easy to use. The purpose of the operator being on introducing the box type and the paremeters of the finished box (length, width and height), afterwards the machine will do all the operations needed.

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Cuvinte cheie: autobox maker; icorrugate; autobox 25; digital casemaker;

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